Monday, August 6, 2012

Call 323-843-4652 for In-Phone-Tainment! 8/11

Yesterday, on Cliff Hanger!

It was simple really: those near the top knew too much about those on the top, who knew everything. And when those near the top retire, it’s important they don’t get any funny ideas like writing books or speaking to the press, at least that’s what she was always told. Mergatroy had been culled from the nation’s best Hospitality program, a government front, set up to find secret agents with certain skills - like generosity, courtesy, a well placed bullet and plenty of amenities. Mergatroy liked her job, she was good at it. It wasn’t long before Mergatroy realized that those near the top that she was hired to retire didn’t know their retirement package included the manual termination of their life. As her handbook stated, she was terminating data, not people. She’d had enough killing, she’d be their Zombie no more.

Call 323-843-4652 for InPhoneTainment now through August 31st, 2012! Click the image above to find the song of the day.

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