Saturday, August 25, 2012

This is a Telephone. And This is InPhoneTainment! 8/26

Yesterday, on Cliff Hanger!

She decided to answer the phone. If her answering would be her undoing, then so be it. The voice on the other line just said “Mur”. She couldn’t speak. Her eyes took on the look of a beach front window after a storm had passed. The voice on the other end of the line was muffled and said “Mur” again. She knocked her Girl Friend Beer brand pint glass onto the cafĂ© sidewalk and it shattered like a glass on concrete. Were they speaking her name? Was it Murder? There was a gurgling, then the line went dead.

Call 323-843-4652 for InPhoneTainment now through August 31st, 2012! Click the image above to find the song of the day.

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