Friday, August 3, 2012

Hello? It's InPhoneTainment! 8/8

Yesterday, on Cliff Hanger!

Mergatroy had heard rumors at the office about the Zombie program, but people would always clam up when they saw her. They called it Smart ZP Top Secret and they never said the word Zombie, but they made the faces. Mergatroy sometimes wondered if the men she retired knew anything about that program or how involved they were. If it was even real, how close was she to it without her knowing? How far can a loyalty go to become a Zombie for those you serve? She had married 29 men, and had fully retired 28 of them, shooting each one after 6 months, one blast to the cob. If Zombies were real, they weren’t like in the movies. Maybe she was one and that’s why she had to get out. To control her own destiny was worth just a day if that’s all she had. That and a Girl Friend Beer.

Call 323-843-4652 for InPhoneTainment now through August 31st, 2012! Click the image above to find the song of the day.

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