Thursday, August 23, 2012

InPhoneTainment: Easy as 1-2-3-4! 8/23

Yesterday, on Cliff Hanger!

The face of Dick King would come to her in dreams. The original A*hole, the only man that she ever retired to a vegetable ward. There was always something about his eyes, his face, that she couldn’t place. Like a dream you keep having and always forget. And she was always grateful they never made love, but she always regretted not just retiring him fully with one blast to the cob, right between the eyes. He was still alive and drooling in South Poughkeepsie. It was haunting. It was something they could hold over her. Another reason she would be retired. Another reason for another Girl Friend Beer.

Call 323-843-4652 for InPhoneTainment now through August 31st, 2012! Click the image above to find the song of the day.

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